Prabodh C. Bolur
B.Sc., B.E., MIE,
has valuable experience of 30 years in Plastics Industries. He graduated from Bombay University in Science (1963) and Engineering (VJTI-1967). He was
Regional Manager, Madras (12 years) and Technical Manager (2 years) of Klockner Windsor India Ltd.
He was instrumental in solving numerous problems of processing and machines. He has in-depth knowledge of processing ∓mp; machinery. He has been giving
lectures on Injection Moulding Process and machines at CIPET Chennai. This book is based on his experience in dealing with many Injection Moulders. Now, he is a Consultant.
He has worked overseas Pacaging Inc. Ghazvin, IRAN (1977) on Foam injection moulding.
He visited Germany for training at Klockner Plant (1981) and INTERPLAST at Birmingham(UK)(1981).
Visited Taiwan four times in connection with development of injection moulds during 1994.
Visited Singapore for development of mould during 1998 and K98.

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