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A Guide to Injection Moulding of Plastics - FOREWORD |
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FOREWORD by Dr. S.SathikhFormer Vice Chancellor of Madras University and present Director of Crescent Engineering College, Madras. India FOREWORD by Mr. Mahendra N. Patel Director, Cincinnati Milacron Ltd., Ahemedad, India Deputy Director, Central Institue of Plastics Engineering Technology, Chennai, India FOREWORD by Dr. S.Sathikh - Former Vice Chancellor of Madras University ∓mp;mp;mp;mp; present Director of Crecent Engineering College, Madras. India
FOREWORD I have great pleasure in writing this foreword for the book - A Guide to Injection Moulding of Plastics by Prabodh C. Bolur and congratulate him on this signal contribution. In the human activities, from hunting through agriculture to the industrial revolution, now the information revolution has set in and forced high technology application inevitable. One of the significant factors of development and progress in the human history is the use of materials and tools. From the stone age, through the metal age to the alloy age. The age of polymers has sprung today as a symbol of socio-economic and cultural progress and development. There is no tool and product as on today that misses application of polymer especially plastics. The plastics is an inevitable partner to the information technology since every product that supports IT activities has one or more even most parts made of plastics. Almost all small and large plastic parts and products now in use in various activities are made by injection moulding which is amenable and suitable both for low volume and mass productions. A good text book and reference book covering the entire gamut of injection moulding at a price affordable by students and other users is not available today. Only in this context, the present book, A Guide to Injection Moulding of Plastics, has its significance. This contribution by Prabodh C. Bolur is very timely when the new millennium is born. Prabodh has taken tremendous pains in preparing this book focussing attention on basics as well as advanced aspects yet keeping simplicity and readability that would help any beginner and expert alike enjoy reading and understanding. This book has been very thoughtfully divided into 4 parts, each of which having logical sequence of chapters and sections. Richly illustrated by diagrams, graphs, tables and charts on materials, process, machines, products etc. this book provides excellent presentation. A unique feature is the introduction of each section and subsection by finer details of almost all aspects and inclusion of what is normally thought as trivial in greater details for the variety of injection moulding process should go a long way to help the readers understand the subject thoroughly. Catching upto the latest trend, emphasis has been laid for the use of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Compute Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Assisted manufacture (CAM), for Part Design, Mould Design and their manufacture. This book carries the rich experience of three decades of the author in multifarious activities - academic, industrial and consultancy and this is reflected in every line of the book. It should help the teacher and trainers in both degree and diploma levels as well as certificate levels, the students and trainees and also the practising engineers, consultants and technicians alike to master the subject. I am confident that all of them will benefit by keeping a copy of this book of their own as well as in their library. The book has the principle of " small things add to perfection but perfection is not a small thing". I congratulate Prabodh C. Bolur for this fine contribution and commend this book for all in this field.
November 17, 1999. Chennai - 600 048.
FOREWORD by Mr. Mahendra N. Patel - Director Cincinnati Milakron India Ltd., Ahemedad, India. FOREWORD Plastics (or Polymers) are the materials of today. It is hard to imagine a today's product that does not use plastics. In countless cases, the products that we take for granted cannot exist without plastics. From tooth brush to telephone, from computers to cars, from appliances to aeroplanes. Plastics are the wonder materials of modern age. Making our lives comfortable, enjoyable and safe. Processing of plastics is, therefore, one of the major manufacturing activities in the world today. By far the most used process for plastics is Injection moulding. It is used for making parts with all kinds of shapes. From simple to highly complex. From microscopic size to very large size weighing several kilograms. To do this in a single step process that is fast, consistent, safe and reliable. And to make parts that are completely finished, requiring no further work to be useful. All this at very low cost. This makes it possible to make any given product at highly competitive costs. Without plastics, few products that can exist will be beyond reach of most. In fact without Injection moulding, the utility of plastics would be severely limited. So it is timely that a comprehensive book on the subject is published. There are many books on Injection moulding available today. But there is hardly any book that comprehensively addresses the subject from the processing point of view. I heartily welcome the addition of this book, "A Guide to Injection molding of Plastics". Mr. P. C. Bolur has spent more than 30 years working in plastics industry. All of it in the field of Injection moulding. His experience is reflected in the depth of the information given in this book. His knowledge is evident from the breadth of the field that he covers in the book. His novel approach of the book in a Q ∓mp;mp;mp;mp; A format serves as a good companion book to be referred to time and time again. It avoids the boredom of technical text books, dryness of detailed discourse and pompousness of academic lecturing. The Guide will be as fresh as always every time one looks in it for any specific answer to a query. I recommend the Guide to all the students, practicing engineers, manufacturing technicians, processing operators and any one who is involved or interested in Injection moulding of plastics. It is not often that one gets a chance to write a foreword to a book which has immense potential to become a standard handbook of the industry. I am happy that I have this opportunity to review and recommend such a parth-breaking guide. I wish all the best to Mr. P. C. Bolur and the publishers. Above all I wish all the readers an insightful learning experience. To learn from others' experience is the true wisdom. Here it is. Mahendra N. Patel Dated : 6 January 2000. Place : Ahmedabad.
DEPUTY DIRECTOR CIPET, CHENNAI FOREWORD Once a man went to a Zen Master and asked him to teach what he doesn't know. Whenever the master begins to speak on a subject, he would immediately say, Oh! I know it already. The Master kept quite for a while. The man became impatient and pestered him. The Master asked him to fetch a cup filled with water and a jug full of water. He placed it before the man and started pouring water in the cup. The cup started overflowing. Seeing this, the exasperated man shouted at the Master saying, don't you see when the cup if full it can't take anymore? The Master gave a smile and said, that's your mind. Go. Empty it and come back. Only then it can take new thing. The above anecdote reminds all of us that how in this digital era we are bombarded with plethora of information there in filling up the mind like that of cup, ever brimming and overflowing. Unless we approach new ideas and attempts with an open and empty mind we may not be able to cherish the fruit of the labor of that particular work. Injection Moulding book is a maiden venture of Mr. P.C. Bolur, in publishing. It is my pleasure to review and write a foreword on this book. There was a strong need felt for the plastic industry in India for a book that provide an understanding the complete injection moulding operation and cover the latest technological advancement. This book has been written on Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) method, which is different from the conventional approach of text book generally available on injection moulding. Readers from industry and students will find it very convenient to get answer of their doubts and querries while going through the text. A voluminised text logically sequenced and presented in a simple yet powerful way about complete injection moulding operation. It provides information based on todays technology as well as what is ahead. Readers will find out how to inter-relate important injection moulding steps that to start with designing the part to be moulded, to properly operating the injection moulding machine, to handling plastic materials properly, to
setting up clearly defined trouble shooting guides. The book is highlighting the current developments in injection moulding such as multi colour moulding, multi component moulding machines. Emphasis has been given on practical aspects of injection moulding process rather than theoritical, mathematical models. Mr. Prabodh C Bolur is a well known person for the Plastic Industry. He had a vast experience on Injection moulding process. He had great interest in teaching and knowledge transfering which he continue to do so by participating as a guest faculty to various training programmes of CIPET and other institutions. I am sure this text book is going to be very useful for the students at Diploma level as well as under graduate and Post Graduate persuing the studies in Plastics Technology. I congratulate the Author and Publisher on this occasion and I wish them more such successful venture in years to come to serve the plastic community in India and worldwide.
(S.K. SHARMA) 3rd Feb.2000 CIPET, Chennai
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