Things to Know in Injection Moulding of Plastics
Myth in Injection Moulding
Pitfalls in Injection Moulding
A Guide to Injection Moulding of Plastics
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Continued from previous page.
Defining End-Use requirements & test procedures.
Create preliminary sketch.
Initial material selection from material data base..
Design part in accordance with material selected. - Design for Functionality-
using CAD software with surface modeling.
Final material selection from material data base..
Use CAE software to simulate meltflow, shrinkage analysis, warp analysis,
stress analysis.
Use results of CAE analysis and modify design from manufacturing point of view.
Use results of these analysis to get optimised runner and gate size, placement
of gates, placement flow leader / deflector to balance the flow with gradual
pressure gradient while injection.
Use CAD with database of standard mould plates and components of desired steel
for mould design. Use results of earlier CAE analysis to get shrinkage
compensated dimensions for core and cavity.
Design mechanism for undercut, thread and or corepull if required by using CAD.
CAE software to design cooling circuit to get uniform mould surface
temperature. Obtain details for size and location of cooling channels and flow
rate of coolant with entry and exit temperatures.
Incorporate details of cooling circuits in mould design in CAD.
Incorporate ejection system in mould design in CAD.
Get printout of mould assembly and part drawings.
MOLDFLOW analysis can also help
to evaluate the performance of existing moulds with a given material on a given
machine by generating optimised machine parameters. It can also detect the
quality problems.
to modify - to the extent physically possible - the mould design so that
performance of mould is improved in terms of quality and productivity.
to test the performance of moulded parts under load, if required.
to determine the right specification for the Injection moulding machine.
to determine the right material specification, may be you require a very
special grade. This can be (proprietary grade) developed if material
manufacturers co-operate.
CAD systems are available for about 20 years. There are three types of CAD
is the simplest of all. It replaces the drawing board with a computer system.
It can create engineering drawings. When drawing needs modification it can be
carried out with out redrawing the entire drawing.
: This enables the designer to produce 3D assemblies. It has capability to
ZOOM- IN on any details. It can also rotate the models to enable view the
assemblies from different directions. Isometric views can be produced easily.
Parts can be scaled and also duplicated easily. Colour graphics improves the
clarity of assemblies. Different components, notes, dimensions can be put on
different layers. Theses layers can be selectively presented with out loosing
: It uses basic 3D shapes like blocks, cylinders, cones, toroids, spheres and
prisms, and 3D edges based on constructions made by rotating line and arcs.
These are added or subtracted until the model is over. It can calculate area,
volume, weight.
CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing:
Computer aided manufacturing is the automatic machining of parts by numerically
controlled machine tools. CAM system can be integrated with CAD systems so that
it can generate the tool paths automatically.
The mould can be considered GOOD only if
PART is well designed from the consideration of
Functional needs
Service condition
Mechanical loading and duration of loading
Polymer melt behaviour ( flow, shrinkage, response to shearing )
MOULD is well designed by considering
Melt behaviour
( flow, shearing and shrinkage) in deciding type, size and location of gate,
type, size and configuration of runner system, possible sink mark due wall
thickness variation, warp due to differential shrinkage, possible weld line
position and it's strength, size of core and cavity.
Balanced heat exchange system
( design of cooling circuit) between heat source (melt) and heat out ( cooling
media in cooling channel and environment) to achieve uniform temperature on
mould surface. This establishes process stability.
Suitable mechanism
of mould to take care of parting line, undercuts, threads, core movements and
ejection system.
Most suitable steel
of sufficient size for different parts of mould ( to
avoid undersign).
Mould parts are fabricated by suitable metal cutting / removal process and
suitably heat treated, finished, matched and assembled perfectly. Importance of
heater / limit switches assemblies are not ignored.
With the help of MOLDFLOW software it is possible to incorporate quality at
part design stage itself. It identifies problems with part geometry and enables
to find solution to the problem. It enables to perfect the part geometry and
makes it 90% - 100% mouldable. With the help of MOLDFLOW we can carry out
various types of analysis like Melt flow pattern, Fill time, Filling
temperature, Filling pressure, Hold-on pressure, Volumetric shrinkage,
Shrinkage all over the part, Temperature distribution along the mould surface
and also across the wall thickness, Weld lines air traps, Deflection under
stress. MOLDFLOW provides specific norms for each of these analysis to
determine the acceptability of the results. The problematic results are to be
corrected by proper interpretation of the results till the result becomes
It provides following useful parameters for mould design - which is carried out
with CAD software:
Optimised dimensions for runner and gate and also placement of gates.
Optimised cooling channel dimensions, flow rate of coolant, positioning of
Optimised wall thickness profile for the part.
Shrink corrected dimensions for core and cavity.
Identifies warpage and it's causes which enables the designer to remove or
minimise cause for warpage.
Optimised process parameters.
Quick set up / start-up with out wastage.
Zero defect parts possible with the first trial of new mould.
Under service condition of load and temperature, the creep performance of part
can be tested.
The perfection of moulding is thus, ensured during part and mould design
itself. The quality is incorporated in the design itself. The key benefits of
CAE software can be summarised below:
Reduced mould development time and cost
Decreased number of mould trials
Achieve faster mould start-up
Reduce material cost
Consistent part quality from multi-cavity moulds
Minimised injection pressure and clamp tonnage
Locate & Optimis gate size
Balanced & optimised runner system
Balanced & optimised wall thickness profile
Locate weld lines and air traps
Reduced cooling time
Reduced cycle time
Predict short shots
Identify hot spots
Predicts sink marks
Predicts linear shrinkage
Predicts part warpage
Identifies mechanisms contributing to warpage
All this results in trouble free production and enhanced & uniform part
quality. The perfect part development time, mould design and mould fabrication
time can be drastically reduced with the help of CAD, CAE and CAM software.
With this technology there is no need to produce prototype parts and it
eliminates the delay on account of (at-least 2 or 3 ) mould trials and
corrections (required before taking up for production )- when mould is made
with conventional methods.
MOLDFLOW analysis can also help to evaluate the performance of existing moulds
with a given material on a given machine by generating optimised machine
parameters. It can also detect the quality problems. It can also to determine
the right specification for the Injection moulding machine and material
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Technical Papers by Prabodh C. Bolur
Understanding Energy Consumption in Injection Moulding Machine(1994)
Understanding Heat Exchange in Injection Moulds (1994)
Ideal Moulding Shop (2001)
Understanding Selection of Injection Moulding MachineThis paper was part of authors lectures at CIPET since 1980. It has been regularly
Technological Solution to Injection Moulding of Plastics (1999)
Technological Tools for Part Design, Mould Design and Mould Fabrication (1999)
Extrusion of Thermoplastics(1998)
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